Rocky Mountain eapa:
Connect. Grow. Inspire.
Supporting employee assistance professionals, counselors and HR professionals in the Rocky Mountain Region and beyond.
Supporting employee assistance professionals, counselors and HR professionals in the Rocky Mountain Region and beyond.
Our chapter meetings are held on a monthly basis on the second Friday of every month from 8:00-11:00am Mountain Time. While these meetings are typically held in Denver, CO they are currently being hosted virtually via Zoom. Please find out more on our “meetings” page.
Our Mission
As a chapter of EAPA, we promote the highest standards of employee assistance practice and the continuing development of employee assistance professionals, programs and services.
Matt Steinkamp, LCSW, CCP (he/him)
Diane Sanders (she/her)
Cecelia Keelin, LPC (she/her)
John Narine, DBA, CEAP (he/him)
The Rocky Mountain Chapter was recognized as the Outstanding Chapter of the Year at the 2024 EAPA Conference in October 2024