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VIRTUAL Chapter Meeting/Training:

  • Virtual - Zoom Platform (map)

8:00 – 8:30 Virtual Networking and Breakfast

8:30 – 9:00 Introductions

9:00 – 11:00 Virtual Presentation: “The Benefit of a Fitness for Duty Evaluation and Reporting during Challenging Timeswith Alex Rodrigues, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist

Link to Zoom Meeting:

During these times, it is more important than ever for mental health consultants to be knowledgeable about issues like mental health in the workplace, suicide and violence risk factors, and the type information that a comprehensive FFDE can provide.

Dr. Rodrigues will provide training around research-supported risk factors, the steps to crafting a good FFDE referral, relevant laws, the most common psychological issues observed in the workplace, and lessons learned from past events.The presentation will also review recent Colorado legislation like so-called “red flag” laws, which permit the seizure of guns if the owner is deemed a threat.

2 PDH’s - Domain II