8:00 – 8:30 Virtual Networking
8:30 – 9:00 Introductions
9:00 – 11:00 Virtual Presentation: “Introduction to the International Employee Assistance Digital Archive: A Knowledge Hub” with Patricia Herlihy Ph.D., RN and Jodi Jacobson Frey, PhD, LCSW-C, CEAP
Link to Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/162331194
This presentation will introduce attendees to the many resources available to them via the International Employee Assistance Digital Archive (Archive). In 2013, Drs. Frey and Herlihy collaborated to create this repository to serve a growing need to provide an open-access, global repository that is freely available to anyone in the world who might want to learn about EAP and broader workplace behavioral health issues and best practices. Live demonstrations will be used in this presentation to show attendees how to access all the Archive’s materials that they can then use for benchmarking, creation of new materials to be used in their EAP, promoting research, including pilot studies and white papers about emerging and innovative EA practices that might be specific to the members of the Mountain EAPA Chapter.
2 PDH’s - Domain I
Dr. Jodi Jacobson Frey, PhD, LCSW-C, CEAP is a Full Professor with tenure at University of Maryland, School of Social Work. Dr. Frey chairs the Social Work in the Workplace & Employee Assistance Sub-specialization (formerly EAP Sub-specialization) and the Financial Social Work Initiative. She is the Founder and Faculty Executive Director of the newly launched Behavioral Health and Well-Being Lab (BHWell Lab). Her MSW and PhD degrees were earned from the University of Maryland.
Dr. Frey’s research focuses on workplace behavioral health, including the impact of employee mental health, substance use and well-being on productivity and safety. She studies the effectiveness of employee assistance, work/life, and related programs for working aged adults and their families. She has dedicated a significant portion of her research and advocacy work to suicide prevention, mental health, substance use and recovery and the intersection with the workplace.
Dr. Herlihy is a Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist with over 40 years of psychiatric experience. Her range of experiences includes Charge Nurse on an Inpatient Adult Psychiatric care unit, Family Therapist in an outpatient child guidance center; Director of an Adolescent Substance Abuse Program; Assistant Professor at Boston University's Graduate Psychiatric Nursing Program; System’s Manager for Digital Equipment Corporations' EAP; and Principal Investigator for five international studies on Benefit Delivery Service Models. Patricia has published numerous articles, chapters and co-authored Integration of EAP, Work/Life and Wellness Programs.
More recently Patricia’s focus has been on the development of her consultative practice via Rocky Mountain Research as well as being a Visiting Scholar at Boston College’s Cornell School of Nursing. In addition to collaborating on an EAP Benchmarking Study (2012), Patricia has been working with Boston College on the issues of Military Sexual Assault, Campus Sexual Assaults and Sexual Harassment in the workplace. Patricia has also been working with Chestnut Global Partners around the construction of an outcome measurement tool of Crisis Intervention (CIOM). But her main interest at this moment in time revolves around the creation and advocacy for the International Digital EA Archive out of the University of Maryland. Patricia’s complete list of professional activities can be found on her website: www.rockymountainresearch.us